BobbySecretMail’s Blog~

I blog whatever I want to…

I will have a fullstop here

I will shift my blog to The link is here. It’s because wordpress doesn’t allow javascript and I don’t have much money to buy my own web hosting plan (I’m too lazy i guess…). Sorry guys, at least in blogspot I can make a little bit of coin from adsense. Hope to see you there!

April 6, 2009 Posted by | Blogging | Leave a comment

My SPM result

After 1/2 year of hard work, it paid. Let’s recall. During trial I got 7A2 and 3A1 while in SPM, this is what I got.

SPM result

7A1 and 3A2! Is it a destiny with trial or what? I’m one of the 10,080 10As students and  6,277 straight As students.Although I’m not straight A1 students, I’m still proud of myself not ending with B in any subjects.

My monitor who got 10As in trials while ended up 6As in SPM. You can see the power of leaked questions in trial destroyed her. What a shame! My school teacher who thought my monitor was the school’s hope ended up so terrible. My coach in tuition center who looked down on me because of my lousy school ended up very nice to me. =.= Most of his selected students failed to get straight As in all subjects. I felt that it’s like a revenge on them lol…

Moral of the story : Don’t ever look down on the students in a not so well known school.

March 16, 2009 Posted by | Blogging | 3 Comments

Sien tou ar =.=

Now I’m a post-spm student. It’s already over =\ Still I don’t miss my school very much lol…. There’s no graduation day for students which made it non-memorable school. Anyway, objective to get out from this school has accomplished! My list throughout the next year.

1) Waiting for SPM result

2) Going to PLKN, just fucking unbelievable that I got 3rd batch. -.- Any batch actually is same, isn’t it?

1st batch

Pro = can go back during chinese new year and won’t clash with college intake. It’s the earliest batch thus, the facilities are always the best. Furthermore, you can get SPM result just after you get back from PLKN. It’s better than fooling around with friends during holiday.

Con= Most students don’t have complete preparation for 1st batch, furthermore there are like mices for food poisoning and cases such as raping lol 😉

2nd batch

Pro = allow to go for ONLY a month if college intake is around the corner. Obtained SPM slip and able to show off at PLKN when the result is flying colours.

Con = After SPM, sure students like to apply this and that for intake. They would have insufficient time to do so. It also causes the May intake for college cannot be done if they want to enjoy PLKN.

3rd batch

Pro = most people are those who weren’t chosen for PLKN and working adults. Therefore you may ask their experiences for the courses in Uni or College. You may postpone as you pursue your studies at local U or college (still you have to go after graduated).

Con= you waste a year for college intake as it will clash with with your study course. Infrastructures are used by 1st and 2nd batchs. So you know how lousy it would be -.-

Contrary to the popular belief, students are chosen randomly for PLKN. I don’t think authorties know the students attitude by knowing their schools. Because? Malai-ren mah…

Now I’m obsessed with Street Fighter. I kept playing on MAME and download Street Fighter 2 and 3. Still Marvel vs Capcom is the best game to be played on computer’s keyboard.

Kristin Kreuk will be staring Street Fighter : The Legend of Chun Li. Gamers know Chun Li is the sex symbol character since SF2.

Later, I found Street Fighter : The Later Years on College Humour. It’s so damn hilarious yet interesting directed by them. It can be found at CollegeHumour[dot]com.

Okay, there’s heavy rain now. Gotta off computer.

December 4, 2008 Posted by | Blogging | , | 5 Comments

SPM fever

After a few days of suffer, torture… it had finally ended… for 1st week only. =/ BM and BI were quite okay for me. Their spotted short stories came out as they were to, but not essay. Just wonder how Mr./Mrs. 1119 will mark my essay. Sejarah was quite hard in paper 1, after checked only 35/40 correct. >.< Paper 2 was a piece of ‘cheese’. Maths? no comment. =P waiting to blow add maths and moral now.

November 15, 2008 Posted by | Blogging | Leave a comment

Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That’s why its called the present.

I found a nice…. what is it? Whatever 😛

To realise the value of one year, ask a student who failed a grade.
To realise the value of one month, ask a mother who has given birth to a premature baby.
To realise the value of one week, ask the editor of a weekly newspaper.
To realise the value of one hour, ask the lovers who are waiting to meet.
To realise the value of one minute, ask a person who just missed a train.
To realise the value of one second, ask someone who just avoided an accident.
To realise the value of one millisecond, ask the person who won a silver medal at the olympics.

Time and tide wait for no man. There are only 16 hours left for SPM. All the best to SPM candidates!

November 10, 2008 Posted by | Blogging | Leave a comment

Terms for SPM Bahasa Melayu Sastera

I found the tips terms for the types of questions that will be asked for Antology and Novel from BM SPM, hope it does help. 🙂


1. Ringkasan cerita lebih kurang 100 -150 patah perkataan.
2. Mengandungi huraian cerita mengikut urutan masa berdasarkan plot.

Tema dan Persoalan

1. Tema ialah persoalan utama yang diungkapkan dalam sesuatu karya, sama ada secara langsung (eksplisit) atau tidak langsung (implisit).
2. Persoalan bermaksud perkara-perkara sampingan atau isi yang lebih kecil yang ada hubungannya dengan tema sesuatu karya.

Watak dan Perwatakan

1. Watak ialah pelaku atau tokoh dalam sesuatu karya yang menggerakkan cerita dengan cara berinteraksi sesama watak dan alam.
2. Perwatakan pula ialah pelukisan tentang watak dari aspek luaran dan dalaman.
3. Pelukisan watak itu boleh dilakukan secara langsung atau secara tidak langsung olen pengarang melalui aksi, tutur kata, atau watak-watak berkenaan.
4. Dalam sesuatu cerita lazimnya terdapat istilah yang berkaitan dengan aspek watak, iaitu watak utama, watak sampingan, watak bundar, watak pipih, watak dinamik, watak statik, protagonis dan antagonis.
5. Sifat perwatakan digambarkan melalui tindak-tanduknya, cara berfikir, cara bercakap, rupa paras, fizikalnya, kepercayaannya dan ideologi, serta gambaran perasaan seseorang atau watak itu.
6. Watak pipih lazimnya tidak kompleks, tidak berkembang, dan tidak memeranjatkan pembaca.
7. Watak bulat amat menarik kerana watak jenis ini menuju ke pelbagai arah sama ada menambah pengalamannya, mengubah sikapnya, dan fizikalnya.
8. Watak dinamik ialah watak yang mengalami pelbagai konflik, persoalan, dan permasalahan dari awal hingga akhir.
9. Watak statik atau kaku tidak mengalami apa-apa perubahan, perkembangan, dan tidak bergerak.
10. Watak yang berperanan amat penting disebut watak utama. Watak yang kurang penting dalam cerita disebut watak sampingan.
11. Watak protagonis ialah watak utama dalam sesebuah cereka. Watak ini tidak semestinya orang yang baik, tampan, dan berperikemanusiaan. Dia mungkin diktator, koruptor, penjenayah, dan sebagainya. Watak antagonis menjadi penentang atau lawan kepada watak protagonis.


1. Plot ialah sesuatu yang menghubungkan peristiwa-peristiwa dalam sesebuah cerita. Setiap penstiwa dari awal hingga akhir berdasarkan hukum sebab dan akibat.

2. Plot mengemukakan perkara yang terjadi dan sebab perkara itu terjadi. Setiap perkara berhubungan berdasarkan faktor-faktor sebab dan akibat.

3.Susunan cerita bergantung pada fantasi dan kreativiti pengarang. Plot dirangka dengan teliti dan tidak semestinya berurutan peristiwanya dari awal hingga akhir atau kronologi. Plot ialah penyusunan kronologi yang diubah suai mengikut kemahuan pengarang.

4.Teknik penyusunan plot yang menarik ialah penyusunan peristiwa secara tidak kronologi. Pengarang haruslah cekap, kreatif, dan bijaksana menyusunnya sehingga mencapai peleraian.

5.Permulaan plot ialah peringkat permulaan (eksposisi), iaitu untuk memperkenalkan watak-watak, latar, dan suasana.

6.Perkembangan plot mengakibatkan konflik.

7.Peristiwa berkembang kepada peringkat pertengahan cerita, iaitu perumitan (komplikasi).

8.Perumitan menuju kepada puncak (klimaks) apabila tercapainya konsentrasi yang maksimum.

9.Kemudian urutan cerita menuju kepada peleraian. Kadang-kadang puncak dijadikan pengakhiran cerita bagi sesetengah cereka.

Teknik Plot

1. Teknik plot ialah cara pengarang mengembangkan plot ceritanya supaya menarik.
2. Antara teknik plot termasuklah seperti yang berikut:

(a) Imbas kembali

1.Imbas kembali merupakan suatu teknik pengarang mengenang semula peristiwa yang pernah dialaminya.

2.Peristiwa itu boleh diimbas kembali melalui pemerian pengarang atau khayalan, dialog, monolog, atau monolog dalaman

(b) Imbas muka

1.Imbas muka merupakan cara pengarang memberikan bayangan awal atau ramalan tentang sesuatu peristiwa yang akan berlaku kesan daripada aksi-aksi watak dalam cerita berkenaan.

2.Imbas muka dapat mewujudkan keyakinan dalam kalangan pembaca terhadap sesuatu yang akan berlaku.

(c) Saspens

1.Saspens atau ketegangan ialah peristiwa dalam cerita yang menimbulkan keadaan tertanya-tanya atau perasaan ingin tahu di kalangan pembaca tentang peristiwa yang akan berlaku selanjutnya.

(d) Konflik

1.Konflik merupakan pertentangan antara dua pihak atau dua kekuatan dalam satu urutan plot.

2.Konflik boleh berlaku secara dalaman, iaitu konflik dalam diri watak dan secara luaran, iaitu antara watak dengan watak yang lain atau antara watak dengan alam sekitar.

3.Konflik dapat juga digambarkan melalui pertentangan pendapat, idea, sikap, atau pemikiran?

(e) Kejutan

1.Kejutan ialah perubahan dalam urutan peristiwa yang berlaku secara tiba-tiba tanpa diduga oleh pembaca.

2.Lazimnya, kesan yang timbul daripada kejutan tidak sama dengan yang diduga oleh pembaca.

(f) Dialog

1.Dialog merupakan pertuturan antara dua watak atau lebih daripada dua watak.

2.Melalui dialog antara watak-watak inilah biasanya tergambar pendapat atau fikiran yang berkaitan dengan tema.


Latar berperanan memberikan suasana kepada peristiwa dan manusia yang terdapat dalam cerita.

Latar penting dalam mengembangkan tema, persoalan, plot, watak, dan perwatakan. Idea, plot, dan watak akan lebih hidup jika berada dalam situasi pelbagai latar.

Latar merangkumi pelukisan geografi, topografi, pemandangan, bangunan, peralatan, tanggungjawab watak, waktu, dan sebagainya.

Latar terbahagi kepada empat jenis, iaitu:

(a) Latar tempat

Merupakan ruang atau tempat peristiwa berlaku yang berkaitan dengan lokasi geografi.

(b ) Latar waktu atau masa

Menunjukkan masa peristiwa berlaku seperti zaman, era, sejarahnya, atau musimnya.

(c) Latar masyarakat atau citra masyarakat

Menunjukkan gambaran keadaan masyarakat dalam cerita merangkumi bangsa atau etnik, status dan kehidupan sosial, ekonomi, dan sebagainya yang bersesuaian dengan watak.

(e) Latar peralatan cerita dan watak

Alatan yang digunakan oleh watak dalam sesebuah cerita.

Sudut Pandangan (Aspek pilihan sahaja)

Sudut pandangan berperanan untuk mengisahkan sesuatu cerita dan menjelaskan pihak yang men-ceritakan sesuatu kisah. Maka sudut pandangan mempunyai hubungan yang erat dengan watak.

Menurut Anwar Ridhwan (1985), sudut pandangan ialah cara bagaimana pembaca dihidangkan dengan bahan cerita atau bagaimana pengarang memilih cara yang terbaik untuk menyampaikan ceritanya.

Teknik sudut pandangan:

(a) Sudut pandangan orang, pertama

Pengarang bercerita sendiri atau terlibat dalam cerita sebagai watak utama atau watak sampingan. Sudut pandangan ini disebut sebagai gaya aku, iaitu cerita iru dibawakan seluruhnya oleh watak aku, orang pertama, secara subjektif. Maknanya pengarang terlibat secara aktif. Teknik ini digunakan untuk menjadikan cerita lebih realistik.

(b) Sudut pandangan orang ketiga tidak terbatas

Kerap digunakan oleh pengarang yang mengisahkan ceritanya melalui watak lain menggunakan kata ganti nama diri ketiga, iaitu dia dan mereka atau lengkap dengan nama. Pengarang bersikap serba tahu dan bebas bercerita untuk mengemukakan emosi, fikiran, dan pergolakan jiwa watak-watak.

(c) Sudut pandangan orang ketiga terbatas

Pengarang tidak menceritakan semua peristiwa atau watak tetapi hanya akan memilih watak-watak tertentu dan penceritaannya tertumpu kepada mereka. Watak-watak lain diceritakan serba sedikit sahaja.

(d) Sudut pandangan objektif

Pengarang hanya menceritakan segala sesuatu yang dilihat dan didengarnya (melapor) dan masih menggunakan kata ganti nama diri ketiga. Bezanya pengarang tidak terlibat dalam cerita. Maka pembaca berpeluang membuat penilaian sendiri terhadap cerita tersebut.

Gaya Bahasa

Jenis Gaya Bahasa


(a) Diksi

* Bermaksud pemilihan dan penyusunan kata-kata oleh pengarang daiam karyanya
* Harus memperlihatkan kesesuaian kata yang dipilih dengan tema dan persoalan, latar, watak, dan mesej

(b) Ayat

* Merujuk kepada cara pengarang membina dan menyusun ayat daiam karyanya, misalnya ayat pendek dan ayat panjang

(c) Personifikasi

* Dikenal juga sebagai perorangan atau penginsanan
* Membawa maksud tindakan pengarang memberikan sifat manusia, sama ada dari segi perasaan, perwatakan, atau tindak-tanduk kepada benda-benda mati, binatang, idea, atau hal-hal yang abstrak.
* Contohnya: …matahari pagi bangkit daripada selimut gunung, benaknya mendandan sejuta persoalan

(d) Simile

* Merupakan perbandingan yang menggunakan kata konkrit (boleh dihitung) dengan kata abstrak (tidak boleh dihitung)
* Contohnya: perahu duka, ladang kesabaran

(e) Metafora

* Merupakan perbandingan secara terus atau langsung tanpa menggunakan kata-kata seperti, bak, umpama, ibarat, dan sebagainya
* Contohnya: samudera hampa, lautan fikiran

(f) Hiperbola

* Merupakan sejenis bahasa kiasan untuk menyatakan sesuatu secara berlebih-lebihan daripada maksud yang sebenarnya
* Contohnya: serihu lautan sanggup diharungi

(g) Sinkope

* Bermaksud penyingkatan perkataan
* Contohnya: “Apa dah jadi ni?”

(h) Rima

* Bermaksud bunyi akhir suku kata pada tempat yang bersetentang antara dua baris atau lebih daripada dua baris daiam puisi
* Terdiri daripada rima awal, rima dalam, dan rima akhir

(i) Asonansi

* Merupakan pengulangan bunyi vokal yang sama dalam baris-baris sajak
* Contohnya: pengulangan vokal “u” dalam baris Kerana aku penyair kupenuhi hidupku

(j) Aliterasi

* Bermaksud pengulangan bunyi konsonan yang sama dalam baris sajak
* Contohnya: pengulangan konsonan m dalam baris Memacu menghimpun kekuatan

(k) Pengulangan

* Berlaku pada kata, ungkapan, baris, atau rangkap yang diulang dalam sajak
* anafora – pengulangan kata pada awal baris secara berurutan. Contohnya: Tambah mengimbau sorotan kitab MUHAMMAD ! Tambah mengimbau sorotan kitab ESA !
* epifora – pengulangan kata pada akhir baris. Contohnya: …di pundakku …had sepiku
* repitisi – pengulangan kata dalam baris yang sama. Contohnya, orang berbunga dia berbunga

(l) Perlambangan

* merupakan kata-kata yang digunakan untuk menerangkan sesuatu benda, keadaan, atau peristiwa yang membawa maksud yang lain atau maknanya lebih mendalam
* contohnya: senja melambangkan usia tua, pagi melambangkan usia muda


Antara contoh nilai ialah:

1. Baik hati
2. Berdikari
3. Hemah tinggi
4. Hormat-menghormati
5. Kasih sayang
6. Keadilan
7. Kebebasan
8. Keberanian
9. Kebersihan mental dan fizikal
10. Kejujuran
11. Kerajinan
12. Kerjasama
13. Kesederhanaan
14. Kesyukuran
15. Rasional
16. Semangat bermasyarakat dan nilai-nilai lain yang bersesuaian.


Pengajaran ialah peringatan/pedoman/perutusan/amanat/mesej yang ingin disampaikan oleh pengarang dalam karyanya kepada pembaca/penonton.

Dalam karya tradisional, ia disampaikan secara tersurat/secara langsung tetapi dalam karya moden, ia disampaikan secara tersirat/tidak langsung.

Gunakan nilai sebagai asas untuk menjawab. Jika nilai positif, mulakan ayat jawapan anda dengan

– Kita hendaklah ……..

– Kita seharusnya…….

Jika nilai negatif, mulakan ayat jawapan anda dengan

– Kita jangan….

– Kita tidak boleh….

…diikuti dengan contoh dalam teks.


October 6, 2008 Posted by | Blogging | 8 Comments

Trial SPM next week

I have been inactive for a while, not because I was busy, I’m just too lazy to blog. SPM trial is around the corner and it’s really giving pressure to form 5 students. It’s said that my trial SPM’s grade will be substituted if a cup of coffee is poured on my SPM paper. My mind tells me I’m not ready to take the exam. Anyway, I will try my best to complete it without the stupid tips. Now my concern is on History and 3 Science subjects, which all you need to memorise. -.- Try to score around 3B in my trial. Also hoping my real SPM paper won’t get into flash flood. That’s all for today, I’m going to study.

September 6, 2008 Posted by | Blogging | | 1 Comment

Something bad happened…

torrent is one of my favourite torrent site for searching porn stuffs. Now it’s down… PERMANENTLY!!! FOREVER!!! NO MORE!!! IT’S DEAD!!! Oh my dear, how can this be? It’s pathetic that torrent sites provide links for downloading illegal stuffs while getting only complains from users. They’re filling multiple lawsuits and can’t take it anymore, so they detonate the bomb. BOOM!!! R.I.P Torrentspy…

P.S : is just one of the hundred torrent sites. It’s not yet end of the torrent world.

    Overall the intervention test was awful, but I wasn’t trying to do well. My friends and I got the ‘Tips’ (actually the identical exam papers) from other students who had done the tests. I was having difficulties even with the ‘Tips’ (I didn’t read according to the tips, I went to sleep haha…). I don’t treat it seriously and I was discussing with my friends during exam. For me, ‘tips’ is cheating because you already know what is coming out and which to study. Why think you’re smart if you have the tips?

     After my intervention test was over, I’ve gotten sickness ( I kept sneezing and throat sore after that). It sucks and the mucus is sucker while the phlegm is the suckest of all. Is there anyone caring about my sickness? No one was asking if I was feeling well when I was sneezing continuously, they only responded after I’ve told my condition. Some of them like “Uh huh…” Screw this!! How am I going to call them as ‘friends’?

    Thanks to Sim, I finally realised that “Never go for movies with Sim anymore when you’re not feeling well”. Sickness halts my process for doing other things, and I can’t blame her because it was my decision. The movie ‘Awake‘ is the worst movie I’ve ever watched. The storyline is so predictable and boring. It was like wasting RM7 ticket for watching Hayden and Jessica kissing scenes. One thing for sure, Jessica is still irresistible!

    Leona Lewis’ Bleeding Love is currently on the top spot at US Billboard chart, another history is made for British. Before that, the song was on the peak at UK Singles Chart and preventing Take That’s Rule The World from advancing a spot. I was like shocked that Take That failed to peak the UK Singles Chart with new singles because most of their previous singles topped the chart easily. Now Bleeding Love is very successful worldwide. Rule The World? Forget it.

    I’ve discovered something cool and hilarious from the spoof of Wikipedia, Uncyclopedia. It’s mostly Malaysia’s issues and some of the informations are actually true, E.g : Samy Velu did say ‘Orang muda sekarang suka menghisap dada’. I can’t believe Malaysian out there is so creative, respect to the contributors. If you’re Malaysian, click here,here and here. You will laugh like there is no tomorrow.

March 29, 2008 Posted by | Blogging | , , , , | 3 Comments

Tagged by Ikmal

001. Name: Bobby
002. Nickname: BobbySecretMail
003. Married: nope, still a virgin
004. Male or female: male
005. High school: SMKM
008. College: few more years.. wait arrr
010. Short or long hair: quite short
015. Are you a healthy freak: not really
016. Height: 165cm
017. Do you have a crush on someone: yeah
018. Do you like yourself: sometimes
019. Piercings: No way…
021. Righty or lefty: righty, follow majority

022. Surgery: 14 years ago, foot accident
023. Piercing: not answering for 2nd time
024. Person you see in the morning: my dad (waking me up), in order to sacrifice for TKD performance, getting 3 certs and a voucher at school. (I’m so busy lol…)
025. Award: Kindergarten for ‘run n jump over thread’ (I forget) competition
026. Sport you join: Taekwondo n swimming
027. Pet: Probably the pathetic gold fish
028. Vacation: Forgot…
029. Concert: Harlem Yu’s concert at Genting 8 years ago.
030. Crush: haha… Form 2

049. Eat: air
050 Drink: water
052. I’m about to: pee
058. Want kids: Not yet…
059. Want to get married: Not this time…
060. Careers in mind: IT
068. Lips or eyes: Eyes
069. Hugs or kisses: both
070. Shorter or taller: shorter
072. Romantic or spontaneous: both
074. Sensitive or loud: both
075. Trouble maker or hesitant: neither
078. Kissed a stranger: nope
079. Drank bubbles: nope
080. Lost glasses/contacts: nope, because I found it!
081. Ran away from home: never… walk, yeah..
082. Liked someone younger: yeah, flirting xiao mei mei (JK)
083. Liked someone older: nooo…. not even a day…
084. Broken someone’s heart: Yeah…
085. Been arrested: Never
087. Cried when someone died: tried but failed

Do you believe in..
089. Yourself: Depends
090. Miracles: Kinda..
092. Heaven: Not really
093. Santa Claus: I’ve never gotten any present from him.
095. Magics: Magic tricks, yeah.
096. Angels: Nabi Muhammad’s Djibril? Must be a joke…

Answer Truthfully..
097. Is there one person you want to be right now: Of course…
099. Do you believe in God: Not sure..

100.Tag 5 people: Ta Huei, Yi Zhong, Peggie, Sabrina and you.

March 22, 2008 Posted by | Blogging | | 9 Comments

NoOo…. Exam and exam

    Wow… I didn’t blog for a while because of SPM intervention, but I read others’ blogs frequently XD. Today I have a holiday in between exam, so relieved. 😛 But still exam goes on next day. 

    Okay, I’m 17 year old and will be sitting for SPM. Government (BN who lost patheticly and failed to achieve two-third majority during election a.k.a ERECTION) is giving out intervention test for PMR and SPM, obviously nobody likes it. See this mathematic’s question and I’m sure you will criticise Malaysia standard.


Wow… this is SPM standard, am I dreaming?

I can’t deny this is ‘kindergarten standard’ and your papa mama will be ashamed of you if you fail to answer this unless you don’t have common sense. By the way, I don’t understand why other subjects are absolutely vice versa with this one. Why are we having exams?

What is exam?
(Based on Wikipedia) A test or an examination (or “exam”) is an assessment, often administered on paper or on the computer, intended to measure the test-takers’ or respondents’ (often a student) knowledge, skills, aptitudes, or classification in many other topics (e.g., beliefs).

What is Malaysia’s exam?
A way to get better jobs, you can forget all the craps you’ve learnt in school after you get all credits for SPM because you won’t use it in daily life. It’s more on memorising than thinking smart. Therefore, who gets good results in exam doesn’t mean they’re smart, they’re ‘memoriser’ and they become ‘brainy nerd’ at the end. Besides that, only certain questions will be asked during exam. You’re lucky bastard if you read the right chapters.

    Although most of the Malaysians are criticising Malaysia’s education system is very lousy and easy, how is it possible most of the teenagers can’t complete their studies until Form 5? I was shocked when I heard approximately one hundred thousand (1/10 million.. wow) of teenagers can’t pursue their studies until SPM every year.

    Most of them who completed SPM with flying colours would pursue their studies at foreign university. I personally think that “If you have potential, no matter where you will be doing fine”. Furthermore, local university will save your parents’ money because of government’s support.

By the way, if you think foreign studies will make you proud and smart, you are wrong! I saw a post at Vincent’s blog entitled ‘Americans are NOT STUPID’.America is considered as the richest country and one of the most powerful country in the world. This shows dummies can be found at any country. Next time Malaysian will make a video entitled “Malaysians are STUPID!”. Nah just kidding (It’s possible).

Spoof of ‘Americans are not stupid’, British version.

How many colours in a 4 coloured paper? Omg this is so retarded, a legendary question.

March 20, 2008 Posted by | Blogging, Humour | , , | 8 Comments